Wednesday, July 31, 2002
So I'm finally at a stage where I'm happy with the code for my site. Over the last few days I've cleaned up and streamlined every page, and expanded my stylesheet.
Not only that, but I've finally realised that my code is valid XHTML 1.0 after all. The problem is, you see, that Tripod makes a dog's dinner out of it when it adds the pop-up code. I'm certain that if my site were hosted on a paid-for server, I would have no such problems and could proudly display one of those nice buttons that the W3C so graciously provides.
As for my problems with IE; well, since I now know my code is valid, then it really is Bill Gates' fault.
[ 9:13 PM | link it | ]
Tuesday, July 30, 2002
I'm still having intermittent problems with Internet Explorer.
It seems that the browser is having some difficulty recognising my pages as XHTML, as it continually refers to my XML pages being unable to load because of errors in my XSL style sheet (which is non-existent, because I'm not using XML).
Is this my fault? Fuck no. Blame Microsoft.
[ 10:45 PM | link it | ]
I've been blogrolled by AccordionGuy.
(Not to be confused with the accordion guy - if you've been on Grafton Street within the last couple of years, you'll know what I mean.)
[ 10:12 PM | link it | ]
I just don't understand it.
For the last few days I've had major problems visiting this site online with Internet Explorer. It gives me error messages about not being able to process directives correctly (it seems to get stuck trying to understand the doctype declaration) or some crap, despite the fact that I can access the site without any problems using Opera, and the pages work fine when I test my files using IE offline.
And this evening it gets worse: as of the time of writing this, my style sheet won't link to this page. I did add a couple of other metatags earlier this evening; could that be the cause? Or has my version of IE just decided to piss me off royally?
Update: Actually, it was my attempt to streamline my metatags that did it; apparently <script /> isn't allowed.
[ 7:37 PM | link it | ]
Monday, July 29, 2002
Went to see Minority Report at the UCI with Dave and Groves earlier. I really enjoyed it, despite the overly-sentimental ending (I'll forgive Spielberg for this, since he can't really help himself).
We headed back to Groves' house for a while afterwards, then Dave and I both realised we'd forgotten our keys so we had to leave, which was a shame since it's been ages since we just hung out and talked and stuff.
I got home about two hours ago, stuck on the Dillinger Escape Plan and dove into the site code again.
I've resigned myself to the fact that the whole validation business is out of my hands. Tripod makes a mess of the code somewhere along the line, so basically what you will find in the source code is not what I have written. However, as I have already stated I'm always looking to make improvements so over the next couple of days I'll be adding some new properties to the stylesheet.
Not right now though. Now is sleepy time.
[ 3:06 AM | link it | ]
Sunday, July 28, 2002
Update on my coding troubles: the W3C validator sucks. My evidence? I used the file upload tool to validate my bookclub page from the file on my hard disk; it validated as XHTML 1.0 Transitional. Then I tried to validate the online version of the same file (the code is exactly the same, except for the script Tripod adds for those annoying pop-ups); no dice.
As a result, I don't really give a rat's ass about my site validating or not. All I care about is that the code is as good as I can get it right now.
[ 3:18 PM | link it | ]
One hour ago: I'll be refitting this page over the next few days. Nothing really crazy, just cleaning up the code a bit, so things might look a bit weird for a while. Don't be alarmed, it's only temporary.
Now: My code is starting to look the way I want it to look, but it still won't validate as XHTML 1.0, and I don't understand why. I mean, what is the big deal about using paragraph tags in nested tables? All this 'inline element containing block level element' business isn't very logical to me. My code is well-formed, everything is nested correctly and in the right order and sequence, so in theory it should work fine. Oh sure, I have a couple of attributes that shouldn't be there and should really be replaced by the stylesheet, but that's not what I'm complaining about.
[ 1:56 PM | link it | ]
Saturday, July 27, 2002
At work this morning we were talking about celebrities who've been to our store every now and again, prompted by yesterday's visit by Paul Weller (ex-The Jam, if you didn't know). We get our fair share, locals for the most part - Marianne Faithful, Elvis Costello, the Edge, Ronan fucking Keating - and evey now and then some more interesting appearances.
Like last year, when a couple of guys from Grandaddy wandered in when they heard their latest album playing over our PA. Or the time last summer when Jackie Chan took a break from filming to buy some videos. Or even a few weeks ago when James Earl Jones was happy to sign autographs for a few lucky people on the 1st floor. I've also heard stories about Richard D James (aka Aphex Twin) being a total dick when he was in the basement shopping for vinyl, and the one about Morrissey buying a bunch of his own albums (sounds so stupid that it's probably true).
I haven't been privvy to most of these events (most annoyingly, when Jackie Chan was in I was upstairs on my lunch break and missed the whole thing). But today I got lucky. Not ten minutes after we had been talking in the back room I was out on the floor with Paul, by the metal section, when who walks by but Scott Ian from Anthrax. Fucking Anthrax!!! I nearly dropped my pile of CDs. Of course I was completely starstruck and didn't even attempt to approach the man, but just seeing him there in the flesh - Scott Ian, axemeister extraordinaire for one of the most influential metal bands of all time - it made my day.
Sometimes work gets me down, the hours can be awkward and the people and the shit we have to deal with sometimes is unbelievable, but things like this make me realise how lucky I am.
[ 10:36 PM | link it | ]
Friday, July 26, 2002
Friday Five #21:
1. How long have you had a weblog?
Since the 1st of November, 2001 (although I had an aborted attempt about a year before that so I'm not a total bandwagon-jumper). It seems ages ago now. I guess it is in Internet terms.
2. What was your first post about?
Not much really. You can read it here if you like.
3. How many changes (name, location, etc.) of your weblog have there been, if more than one?
The location (of the blog) has changed once. I moved to Tripod back in April when Yahoo cut off FTP access for free Geocities sites (the old address now redirects to the current one). Only one name though, which was the name I picked for my website when I started it back in October 1999. I'd thought about changing it to something more snazzy, but a) I couldn't settle on the right name, and b) I hate it when people incessantly change the names of their blogs or sites or whatever, and I didn't (and don't) want to be like them. So there.
4. What CMS (content management system) do you use? Do you like it or do you want to try something else?
I use free Blogger. It's my only option at the moment, since I don't have a credit card yet. I'd love to have a better CMS like Moveable Type or whatever but I'd also need a better host with proper server access, which in turn I would gladly pay for but it's just too awkward right now when I only have real world cash money at my disposal.
5. Do you read people who have both a journal and a weblog? Or do you prefer to read people who have all of their writing in one central place?
I prefer when everything is consolidated. Journals are fine and dandy, but they're static. When you write for the web surely you should want to take advantage of its benefits (specifically hyperlinking). Otherwise, what's the point? And besides, why segregate things? Weblogs that are simply lists of links are boring - keeping personal anecdotes separate is just stupid, really.
[ 11:18 PM | link it | ]
np: Uphill Battle 'Uphill Battle'
Internet Explorer sucks ass. For some reason it won't open my website because it thinks there's a problem with my XHTML code, but I know there isn't since I haven't changed anything, I've validated it before and the site currently working fine in Opera 6. Fuck this shit. Bill Gates can go suck a lemon.
I'm tired from the heavy lifting we had to do last night, refitting the CD racks on the 1st floor (the couple of hours overtime didn't hurt, but my right wrist did when I twisted it), and a week of uncomfortable working conditions - the ground floor is a terrible heat trap, and since we don't have air conditioning (unlike most other parts of the shop) it feels at least 10 degrees warmer than it's supposed to be. Add a high level or humidity and you've got a recipe for disaster. I'm finding that I'm losing my breath very quickly, especially when I'm trying to dodge between a crowd of the fucking idiots that make up an unfairly large percentage of our customer base (in particular those fucking Spanish students - they must love it every year over there, they get to send their precocious brats away for a few weeks and enjoy their summer, and we get stuck with the spoilt middle-class fuckers). I'm dreading working tomorrow, but I have a week off from Sunday onwards to look forward to. I think I'll survive.
[ 10:30 PM | link it | ]
Tuesday, July 23, 2002
np: Hot Snakes 'Automatic Midnight'
I watched Todd Solondz's Storytelling earlier today.
It was shit.
Uncomfortably manipulative, laced with flavour of forced post-modern irony (you know, the kind that went out of fashion in 1995), his characters designed to be either repulsive (frustratingly so) or sympathetic in the face of such revulsion (but too weak to do anything about it). Such binary opposition is all too evident in most of the film's character interactions (he even namedrops Derrida, just in case we didn't get it!). Any points he may have been trying to make are left confused by his ambiguity (or just stubborn unwillingless to align himself to any idea); hardly deconstruction, which is supposed to bring us closer to the truth, not leave us stranded in a moral desert.
Why does he get so much praise for his work? What do critics find so special about him? Is he trying to turn a mirror on society? And if so, why contrive it so much as to bludgeon us into submission with the bad things? I can't say that's a reflection of my life. Is that a failing on my part, or his?
Whatever the case, something about his work - and this film in particular - tells me Solondz didn't have a good time in high school.
[ 7:11 PM | link it | ]
Monday, July 22, 2002
np: Carcass 'Necroticism - Descanting The Insalubrious'
I bought 15 CD's and a book at the end of my shift today, the above-mentioned record being one of them. I know that might seem like a lot, but what can I say? I'm addicted to music.
In related news, when Olan leaves to move to Australia for a year, I will be the new store contact for the Shellshock rep, which basically means that I'm gonna be the back catalogue underground metal buyer (the rock and pop buyers will deal with the popular stuff). Although it's not an official title or position, I'm still obviously really psyched about it. And it'll even look great on my CV!
Spreaking of Olan and metal, his band will be recording a demo before he leaves to stir up some label interest (are you listening, Relapse Records??!!). Hopefully I'll get my hands on a copy, since they're a fucking amazing band. If you're a fan of death metal or grindcore, get your hands on their latest album, Nadir (produced by Mieszko Talarczyk of Swedish grind lords Nasum). I guarantee you won't be disappointed.
[ 11:14 PM | link it | ]
I just happened to catch this whilst browsing the headlines on the Google News page.
This proposed deregulation of film censorship has its obvious benefits and flaws. Of course (assuming that the Irish Film Censors Office will follow suit, since that's the way things usually go with us and them) it will finally give mature adults freedom of choice to view what we like and to make our own moral judgments about it, and it will clear up such niggly, totally arbitrary quirks like the 15 cert (since when is 15 such a benchmark age in childhood development?).
On the other hand, less (or lack of) regulation will mean it will be much easier for children to get their hands on material that they are simply not mentally or emotionally mature enough to handle, in particular (often gratuitously) graphic depictions of sex and/or violence. An advisory ratings system may be seen to work fine for music, but music is a totally different medium; it's not nearly as visceral as the moving image. For example, the new Eminem album: the standard CD has the usual parental advisory label, but the DVD video version was banned here last week due to its (presumably gratuitous) graphic content (in the UK it has an 18 certificate). It's all fine and dandy to put the onus on parents to regulate what their children have access to (indeed, in a perfect world this would be ideal) but a grim fact of life is that a lot of parents just don't give a fuck about what their kids do (and then have the gall to kick up a stink after little Johnny brings home the new Slipknot album or whatnot).
We sell videos and video games at my store (most music stores do). We have to be vigilant at all times, since it's illegal here to sell any video to anyone under the age specified on the certificate. If regulation goes out the window, what are we to do? I mean, would I have the right to refuse to sell, say, Cannibal Holocaust to a 12 year old because of what I think about it? And if I did sell it, what would I do if the angry parent or parents of said child came charging in demanding an explanation as to how HMV sold their innocent little baby such vile filth, etc. etc.? It's hard enough as it is sometimes, even with music, what with the popularity of nu metal amongst the kids today and all (although in my opinion, swearing is nothing compared to seeing someone being raped or shot in the face).
I'm all in favour of a relaxation in censorhip laws - adults should be free to make their own decisions as adults - but surely we still need a solid structure in place to protect children (at least up to the age of 15) from things that they are just not ready for.
[ 12:37 AM | link it | ]
Battle just gave a spiel about how important the Minutemen were to him, and played 'History Lesson Pt. 2'. Now he's playing fIREHOSE's 'Chemical Wire'. He fucking rules.
Update: now he's playing Husker Du's 'Dead Set On Destruction' - this keeps getting better and better!
[ 12:10 AM | link it | ]
Sunday, July 21, 2002
Cormac Battle's hosting a show on FM104 right now. He played Fugazi and Jawbox before I tuned in. He's playing Ash right now, which - it must be said - I can do without. Fingers crossed he'll play Husker Du or fIREHOSE later (I know for a fact that he is a fan of both).
[ 11:33 PM | link it | ]
I'm probably a few weeks late for this bandwagon, but it's all for a good cause, right?
Google! DayPop! This is my blogchalk: English, Ireland, Dublin, Raheny, MacDara, Male, 21-25!
[ 7:08 PM | link it | ]
np: Converge 'Jane Doe'
I feel much better today, thankfully. Maybe I'm developing an allergy to the shop. I hope not; I really need the money.
Got home from town a while ago. I got some new jeans, and some vitamins and painkillers. Should keep me going for a few months.
I still need a new jacket. And some t-shirts. And maybe new shoes. And a new computer.
[ 5:09 PM | link it | ]
Saturday, July 20, 2002
I have some blisters on the back of my tongue that make swallowing uncomfortable. My throat feels raw, and swollen, even though it isn't actually swollen (at least I don't think it is). My ears hurt, there's a lot of pressure inside my head where my ear canals lead. My eyes are very sore, they're stinging in the corners that point to the bridge of my nose. I wonder what I've caught this time.
At least I have a day off tomorrow, and I came home early this evening (but not before saying goodbye to Brendan before he moves to the Henry St. store). I was out for a while last night too, since it was Keith's last day; he's off to Templemore in a week or so. No alcohol though. Just rock shandys (or is that shandies?). I don't drink when I'm working the next day, and I don't drink when I'm ill. Besides, I can't handle my drink anymore anyway. I'm getting old.
[ 9:50 PM | link it | ]
Friday, July 19, 2002
Friday Five #20:
1. Where were you born?
Right here in Dublin. That's Dublin, Ireland.
2. If you still live there, where would you rather move to? If you don't live there, do you want to move back? Why or why not?
I still live here, obviously, but I would like to move, to somewhere like Canada. I went to Toronto recently, just for a few days, and had such a great time - felt so comfortable - that I could very much see myself living over there. As a matter of fact, if my finances had been in a better state earlier this year I might have been in Vancouver right now. I still want to go there, maybe next year.
3. Where in the world do you feel the safest?
Here, I have to be honest. Although I felt surprisingly at home when I was in Toronto. Not like London last summer. I found it to be a quite intimidating city. I guess Dublin can be intimidating too, with the winding streets and the getting lost every five minutes and whatnot. I still can't find my own way around most of my local area, let alone the city.
4. Do you feel you are well-traveled?
Not yet. I've been abroad a few times but my list is quite short: England, Wales, Northern Ireland, France, Belgium and Canada. I'm not even nearly finished.
5. Where is the most interesting place you've been?
A toss-up between Paris and Toronto. I want to go back and see both properly. I've been to Paris twice and I still haven't been to the Louvre! And I may tackle London again sometime, as a personal challenge.
[ 9:14 PM | link it | ]
Thursday, July 18, 2002
I've moved the new search form to the archive page. Since it's really just an experiment - you can't search for an individual post, just the month in which it was posted - it's best to keep it out of the way. Sure, it might force persuade you to read my prose, but you'll only resent me for it.
[ 10:26 PM | link it | ]
This says a lot about the current state of big time pro wrestling. With an attitude like that, it's no wonder fans have been deserting in droves.
[ 6:49 PM | link it | ]
This story seems like it should be in the Onion, not the freakin' Washington Post!
The fact that so many people fell for this scam doesn't really surprise me though, since 90% of the world's population are idiots.
[ 6:47 PM | link it | ]
Wednesday, July 17, 2002
I've just ordered a bunch of stuff from Amazon - nine CD's that are impossible to get here (and a couple that are about half the price we're charging). All I have to do now is get my money order together, post it off to Seattle, and hopefully my stuff will arrive before the end of August. I've always had excellent service from (not so much the UK version), and I expect more of the same.
[ 9:25 PM | link it | ]
Tuesday, July 16, 2002
So Eric Bischoff has joined World Wrestling Entertainment. That was a bit of a shocker, eh? It seems that most of the company's own employees were taken aback as much as I am.
I especially got a chuckle out of these little nuggets:
Bradshaw: "...the son of a bitch tried to run us out of business, he messed with every one of our livelihoods..."
Didn't your boss, Vince McMahon, do exactly that to the independent territories back in the '80's? Didn't he just do it to WCW last year? Bradshaw, you are a plonker of the highest order.
Triple H: "Believe me, he starts to screw up our product and I'll be the first one to kick his ass."
Excuse me, but isn't the product already screwed up? And isn't it party your own fault? I mean, you're not exactly Mr. Popular around the locker room, are you?
[ 8:46 PM | link it | ]
Monday, July 15, 2002
np: Sonic Youth 'Murray Street'
I've added a search facility to the site, right at the bottom. Not that anyone's going to use it, let alone need it.
I actually added it over the weekend, and was just going to let it sit there unnoticed, but I'm bored and I needed something to blog about.
Jeebus, it's so freakin' humid here. I'm clammy all over. I don't like this.
[ 11:04 PM | link it | ]
Just out of curiosity, I went here to check the current US Dollar - Euro exchange rate, and was surprised to see that it's almost exactly Dollar-for-Euro. Seems to me that an Amazon spending spree is in order! The US does have its good points after all - yeah, the government sucks but lookee here, I'm funding your economy!
[ 10:15 PM | link it | ]
np: Morbid Angel 'Formulas Fatal to the Flesh'
I hung out with Eoin for a while this afternoon. Went to see Spider-Man again, this time in a crappy screen with a misaligned projector at the Savoy. Yet again, my enjoyment was hampered by people talking, munching giant bags of crisps, tapping their feet, etc. Why do they act like this? Can't they just wait 'til the video comes out so they can talk and munch and tap to their hearts' content in the confines of their own homes, and leave the cinemas to us civilised folk? It does my head in.
I've resolved to go see Minority Report during my forthcoming week off, at my old workplace, at a time when there will be as few people around as possible.
[ 9:44 PM | link it | ]
Sunday, July 14, 2002
I didn't realise what I was getting into when I posted what I admit was a diatribe last night, but in a way I'm glad I did. Despite this childish backhand, Mr. Long took the time to address my criticism rather than simply dismiss me as some namby-pamby leftie, and henceforth I have a much better understanding of his position.
My response? I still don't agree with him, but he's entitled to his opinion, however wrong he may be. That's the beauty of the Internet, I suppose.
[ 8:22 PM | link it | ]
Saturday, July 13, 2002
Uugh. Euro-bashing is so old. Idiotic comments such as this just reinforce my opinion of some people as ignorant fuckwits, a disproportionate number of which come from the gool ol' US of A, a nation that - as a whole - seems alarmingly ideologically insular to me.
I try to refrain from commenting on stuff like this (I know it's my weblog and I can write what I want to, however I won't pontificate about things that I don't fully understand... well not anymore anyway), but dammit, it makes my blood boil sometimes.
[ 9:41 PM | link it | ]
Wednesday, July 10, 2002
Ezra's got a new template for his blog.
While I was browing around it, I came across this new web-ring. What a refreshing change. It's just a shame that this site is probably too straight to be a part of it.
[ 8:13 PM | link it | ]
So, Vince McMahon is becoming very desparate to turn things around, eh?
Here's a tip, Vince: give the public what they want, not what you want.
Does he even understand how they got beaten in the ratings week after week by WCW? Bischoff didn't have any hang-ups about smaller, lighter wrestlers - he filled his shows with them and they entertained, leaving the fans begging for more when the big guns came out - but it seems Vince and his cronies do. If they didn't, I don't think Jerry Lynn would have been told they didn't have a niche for him.
Freshen the product. Even if you have to copy what others have done (WCW's cruiserweight undercard; the NWA-TNA X division), it'll be different and much more attractive than what you've got going on now.
[ 7:15 PM | link it | ]
Tuesday, July 09, 2002
It's reading great posts like this that make me feel ashamed for not getting my ass into gear and writing.
[ 12:27 AM | link it | ]
np: Sweep The Leg Johnny '4 9 21 30'
I listened to the last hour of Jay Ahern's show on 2FM last night, and immediately fell in love with it. I've been missing out so much. Why did I never check it out before? 2FM may be a horribly commercial pop station for 165 hours every week, but for the other three it's genius. I mean, Daniel Johnston's 'Speeding Motorcycle' at one in the morning - fantastic!
Check it out for yourself: connect to the live station stream on Sundays at 11pm, or for the Yanks, 6pm EST or 3pm PST.
But don't bother this weekend, since they'll be broadcasting live from Witnness and probably playing crap.
[ 12:00 AM | link it | ]
Monday, July 08, 2002
They asked for it. When I saw the clips on the news yesterday, I cheered for the bulls. Especially that one, real cool, methodical one who rounded a corner, stopped, turned real slow, and aimed for the stupid humans against the wall. In slow motion. Gotta love Sky News for that.
Message to the fuckheads: didn't your mothers ever tell you not to mess with the Animal Kingdom?
[ 10:10 PM | link it | ]
I can't believe I never found iLoggers before now, considering the amount of time I spend trawling the 'net for new blogs to read. I like it a lot, although I must challenge its status as the "definitive guide to personal Irish websites and weblogs" (for one thing, I'm not on the list yet).
[ 12:04 AM | link it | ]
Sunday, July 07, 2002
Strange events this evening. A last minute arrangement was made to see Minority Report at the Savoy. I was late getting into town due to a lack of public transport (well, it is a Sunday after all, and I wasn't the only one), there was a mix-up over money for tickets and unanswered text messages and stuff and someone got in a huffy mood and the evening was basically spoiled. Despite the fact that we would have been lucky to see a movie as hyped as this one on its opening weekend at a city centre cinema anyway. I'm gonna go see it in a couple of weeks, whether the others are free or not. My shifts are kinda fucked up for the next week or so, so I doubt I'm gonna see anyone.
[ 11:54 PM | link it | ]
The last two days haven't been great for me. Maybe it was the crappy late shift on Thursday that knocked me out of sorts (must try to keep those in perspective; nothing will be as bad as a late shift at the UCI) but all I wanted to do on Friday was sleep. Actually, most of us in there were feeling pretty groggy. It was very warm, and the air was pretty stagnant, not helped by the lack of a proper working AC. As a result, my evening was pretty much ruined. It took me about two hours to actually getting around to cooking myself dinner, since lying on my bed and dozing seemed so much more appealing. Then I went to Dave's party, and I didn't enjoy myself as much as I would have, although it was good to catch up with my friends, and anyway, he had a great time, so that's all that matters.
I made my way home half-asleep sometime around midnight, but now that my adrenaline was flowing a bit I didn't actually get to sleep until after two. I dragged myself into work yesterday feeling like shite, like I was badly hung over, even though I wasn't drinking. It must have been a bug going through me or something, or my system revolting to the lack of sleep I've been getting recently. Whatever it was I somehow made it through the day, and I didn't get any worse.
Which was a good thing, for just a few hours later, I bore witness to an awesome power. A power so awesome, in fact, that it purged me of my illness, cleansed my very soul.
"What is this power of which you speak?", you may ask. It is simple, my friend:
The power of the D.
Tenacious D, that is.
Words simply cannot describe the experience. It would be futile of me even to criticise the shiteness of the venue and its security staff or the poseurs and silly kids in the audience, for all was forgotten while basking in the radiant glory of JB and KG. If you ever receive the opportunity to see them live, do not turn it down. Accept it gracefully, and bask in the glory for yourself.
[ 1:27 PM | link it | ]
Yes, I know it's Saturday night, but here's Friday Five #19 anyway:
1. Where are you right now?
At home, in my room, sitting at my computer.
2. What have you lost recently?
Nothing that I know of off-hand. I tend to be quite careful about my stuff. I may forget things frequently, but I don't lose stuff often.
3. What was the first CD you ever purchased? Does that embarrass you now?
'Superunknown' by Soundgarden. It doesn't embarrass me in the least; in fact, I listened to it again a day ago or so after hearing it in work last week. It's one of the best rock albums of the '90's, if not ever, and the catalyst that lead to basically everything I own or listen to now. It was my musical epiphany, if you will.
4. What is your favorite kind of writing pen?
You know, I've tried those cartridge fountain pen type things, and I hate them. They're just not durable or versatile enough. I had a cool stainless steel Parker pen a few years ago that used ball-point refills. Mostly I just use Bic ball-points, blue or black. They're basic but they do the job perfectly.
5. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
I don't really have a favourite flavour, but anything with both chocolate and vanilla in it, and maybe some milk chocolate pieces or something, that would go down well right now. I'm sure I remember one like that when I used to man the Ben & Jerry's stand at the UCI.
[ 12:58 AM | link it | ]
Thursday, July 04, 2002
I went kinda quiet here last weekend, and I don't know why I didn't mention what happened. Not much to tell. I hurt my ankle mysteriously. I'm not sure exactly what happened - whatever I did, it didn't hurt at the time - but when I woke up on Saturday morning, I couldn't put any weight on my right foot without significant discomfort (i.e. it hurt like hell). So I spent all day Saturday at work in the stockroom stickering stuff, with my foot evelated on a crate. Olan even went to the chemist for me to get an ankle support. He rocks. It's better now, well getting better anyway (I can walk fast on it, but can't run too good).
Today at work was shitty. I felt really out of step all day, I just wasn't really there. I was on till for a while, had a couple of idiots (people who really should know better, which are the worst kind, I fucking hate them), then we had a shitty manufactured pop group in to do a badly managed in-store signing session (I purposefully avoided the whole thing).
Ahhh everything sucks. Now I've got fucking pains in my knees and shin splints. Tomorrow's gonna be shite, I just know it. I hope Dave's party cheers me up. It was his birthday on Tuesday, by the way. He's 21. Send him gifts. Send me gifts too, while you're at it. I know it's not my birthday, but I like gifts.
[ 11:55 PM | link it | ]
Wednesday, July 03, 2002
Wendy's just started a blog of sorts, to chronicle her adventures in Scotland and beyond.
[ 8:54 PM | link it | ]
I don't know how I only found this now, but take a look at the source code for the Onion's main page, and read the meta keywords list. Them crayzee backstards!
[ 8:16 PM | link it | ]
The philosopher in me got off on this comment to a post on a couple of days ago.
Do I believe that the world I perceive is an illusion, a Matrix-style fabrication? No, I don't. Sorry if you were expecting a more controversial response.
[ 8:11 PM | link it | ]
Good good news: Mat's mom is on the mend.
[ 7:55 PM | link it | ]
I've added a new commenting system to the site, courtesy of Enetation. It seems much more versatile and customisable than BlogBack: specifically, when I get the time I can code a comment template to match the uniform design I've got going on. Which is nice.
Of course, doing this necessitates the loss of all previous comments. But hey, it's not like anyone ever reads them after a few days have passed.
[ 7:37 PM | link it | ]
Monday, July 01, 2002
Fuckers. MCD have moved the Tenacious D gig from Whelans (good) to the Ambassadump (very bad).
Well, to be fair, the Ambassadump isn't the epitome of crappiness, since it happens to be close to my bus stop. But other than that, it totally sucks. Totally.
[ 11:53 PM | link it | ]
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